Saturday, May 5, 2007

the FREAKy GEEKy gang

just heard that t khin yang also put his braces.. this is gonna be weird when we walk out together.. let me see.. khin xian, me, wenly, kirly, irwin, and khin yang is wearing braces,... we're gonna be the freak gang!! too bad khin liang took off his already.. oh my. imagine goin ice skating together and u see one bunch of ppl skating with braces.. ITS FREAKY!!!! musty be wenly's fault.. made all the cousins put braces at the same time..

well then, still lookin forward to see everyone. see who looks the MOST FREAKY! wont be me.. good luck for the others freaks!



Anonymous said...

aiyoh. of coz the freakiest one will be u la.. long hair and all..

ehehehe.. we shall smile together..
dunnid to be afriad of snatch thieves ade.

-shufen- said...

omg.. u guys must take a picture smiling together. wow.. it'll be a classic.
then can show the next generation how geeky their aunts and uncles were when they were young. cool.
me and all my great ideas.

countessa_estheria said...

lol. i had my braces OFF two years ago.