Thursday, February 12, 2009

on today

ello world :)

so our new year break has officially ended.
and i made my chinese new year's resolution for this whole year.

  1. to listen for His voice rather than talk nonstop
  2. to actually Do my homework!! DOOO YOURR HOMEEWORRRKKKKK!!!!
  3. stop eating unnecessarily, in other words, stop eating when we feel like eating!
  4. stop emo-ing
  5. get new songs from singhuey!!!
  6. get my rich boyfriend ( hmm the lousang hasn't worked yet)
haha been in a good mood this past few days. i even slept like twice only this whole week. not counting tomoro yet. usually im not awake before ten but I didnt even sleep in the 8am bio class on the first day of school! well maybe just dozed off for like ten seconds but then i was wide awake again! credits to nathalie's suuuuper hot HALLS sweet. the black kind. i felt like spitting it out halfway but i managed to tahan and was wide awake for the whole 2 hours :) go ahead and compliment me, its an achievement!

oh and today lemme intro u to two new friends of mine:
meet errrr teddy 1 and teddy 2!

haha obviously i haven't named them yet but i will soon! still thinking of nice guyish names for them. bought them for like rm 10 each.
well u see, they started selling them to us in class as some Valentine's Day gift to ur loved ones. and we thought they were oh so cute. but then, it would be so sad to buy urself a Valentine's Day gift. haha sing huey was like: To sing huey, I LOVE U!!! I ALWAYS DO AND ALWAYS WILL" or sth lidat. haha. and we nearly didnt get them.

but suddenly.. was it nathalie or sing huey or shuwei or carmen had a brilliant idea.

at least we don't seem so despo. hahah! ok maybe still abit la.
so err i bought shuwei's red tedy, shuwei bought mine, singhuey bought carmen's pink teddy and carmen bought singhuey's pink teddy .
and we all got them together :) ain't it sweet
now i just have to name them

and ming xiang promised me he will get a mountain of teddies for me on Vday. hahah shall be waiting for it LOL


countessa_estheria said...

awww poor wenly. no valentine teddies. and yes it's still kind of despo. nah jk. i love you! but i got a rose n a cake. but since they were both from church (from guys by the way) i liked the cake better. also, the roses had thorns.

lolz i was wondering why u had teddies. i hope ur exams finish soon so u can come over here.

ur birthday is coming up soon!!!!!!!