Sunday, November 23, 2008


we went evangelising yday.. well sorta.
at the start of the day i was all hyped up! finally im gonna do something for other people and for God! instead of just talking all day about how we are gonna bring people to Him.
was supposed to go to some lrt station and talk to people, but we ended up giving out tracts in housing areas.. sigh. kinda potong steam lorhs.
and it was kinda depressing...
we were supposed to be at some lrt station with PEOPLE!!!!.. sigh..
soo many houses were either under construction or uninhabited. is this some house renovating season or sth??!!
but we managed to talk to some people that day. sad to say most of em rejected us but then at least all of em had a chance to know a little about Him.

haha at one point we were feeling so depressed that i think even He felt it.
somehow someway we met one nice Christian lady who told us to keep going on and to not be discouraged... =D

and yea she sortoff brightened up my whole day.
and once again im reminded of how important tracts are, that just one tract or leaflet may be able to save more than one life.