we had a game of TABOO a week ago in DSA.
this time we played it with ming xiang n shuming n william aka LIANG DONG LIANG (LTL).
super funny weh how the guys describe stuff, totally different wan i tell u.
here are some examples:
(the answer is penthouse)
LTL(william): neh nEHHH!!! that sexy magazine!
the girls: PLAYBOY!
LTL: nonoonO!! got another 1 wan!
shuming: nehhh! that porn magazine ahhh
the girls: HOW WE KNOW?!!?!? LOL we don't even read this sort of thing wan we only know PLAYBOY.... >.<" and they went on trying soo hard to describe it when they finally gave up. lol when we found out it was penthouse, shireen: OHMYGOSH WHY CAN'T U ALL SAY THE ROOM ON TOP OF THE CONDOMINIUM?!??!
and another one:
(the answer is seagull)
william: err err..
shuming: neh that actor. steven what? steven.... ???!?!
the girls: harh??!
william; neh that wan that acted in ( insert name of show) !!!!
the girls: HARH??!
and finally,
shireen: SEAGULL!
william+shuming: YEA!
aiyohhhhh couldn't they just say a bird that flies over the ocean?!?!
and we celebrated yun xin's 18th birthday at lookout point in ampang!
so after my class outing in midvalley pc fetched me from sg buloh station and we all met at DESA PARK CITY. then we sat in ah lai's car and reached there in around 15 mins, not counting the time taken while waiting for joanne. HE WENT AT 160KM/H!!! TT i nearly died.
UP THE HILL SUMMORE!!! haha scary but syok at the same time.
then we came down in BB's MURANO hahaha. he went sumwhere near ah lai's speed but not that scary tho coz its a four wheel drive
stayed at xieling's hse with yunxin and wanying. sigh nostalgia.
then later in the morning we had BAK KUT TEH at kepong.
and then about 1.30 hours after we reached ch, yunxin n i went to uma to eat AGAIN. haha
stupid fried ice cream.
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