Saturday, September 27, 2008


so this was the topic of our sat youth service for err... 3 weeks i guess?
and we got to know more about monsters living inside us and stuff. and we evaluated ourselves for like a week(okok i did a one day evaluation) and then today was the monster busting session.

here are some of the monsters:

well i guess i have almost everything inside of me. heh yea what a monster!
which i sort off knew all along. what have i been doing with them and what haven't i been doing to them.
haha believe me after the test you will feel like the worst person ever! how unholy, unrighteous,
imperfect. and how i look like in His eyes.
its a miracle He did not turn away from me and did not desert me. how much i have sinned and yet He still loves me the same as yesterday. and we all know how God cannot tolerate sin. after seeing all your monsters at once in one day you tend to despise and loathe yourself, imagine what God sees in you everyday. but still He did not leave us nor forsake us.

and He did it all for love

i wanna thank You for Your forgiveness. for forgiving me over and over again for the terrible stuffs i did.
and Your unfailing love for me that surpasses everything i
n this world.
Thank You.

The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness - Exodus 34:6