Saturday, October 6, 2007

self esteem

had gsp today. haha fun la. lee en la, ah ben la, julia la and carmen.
then we talked about self esteem today. y aren't we confident in ourselves? the way we are, the stuff we do.. etc. im sure the most confident person in the world will also feel down and stupid sometimes. why can't i be like the other people in class who are actually passing the maths or why can't i be like the other kids who are so talented in evrything they do.

arghhh.. i just feel so stupid at times. insecure. uncomfortable. useless.

n the thing that rubs in the most is it seems to us that other people are so good in the stuff that we suck at.
if we just happen to have this big annoying nose in the middle of our face, suddenly the whole world seems to have perfect snubby cute looking noses. or when we fail a test and almost the whole class passes the test..

i am reminded again today that we are skillfully made by Him, and no matter how imperfect or how useless we may be at times, God has a plan for us all and we are not useless at all. Who will want to make something useless ??! Why will God care about how much hair there is on ur head or spend time perfecting ur features? u think he nth to do meh.. ITS becoz He loves us and has a big big plan for us . being beautiful in His eyes means so much more than being beautiful in the eyes of the world.

A big Amen to that.